Sola Healing Services

Energy Healing Sessions

How does energy work?

All living things hold within themselves the potential to connect and communicate energetically to all other living things. We know that plants can connect and communicate to one another through their root systems. For example, trees can send distress signals about drought and disease, and other trees will alter their behavior to protect themselves. Similarly, humans have the same potential, only our connection and communication takes place through pathways within our bodies and minds. This connection happens through meridian channels and acupuncture points, by means of thoughts, emotions, words and actions. When we experience consistent positive energetic flow through our bodies- the results are good health, joy, and abundance. However, when we experience consistent negative energetic flow through our bodies- the results are poor health, lack of joy and negative outcomes. If we examine this on an energetic level what we find is that over time negative flow will start to back up within our bodies pathways. When this happens, blocks begin to form. Through these blocks we may begin to feel tired, sick, and even depressed. On a long term basis, this negative flow can create illness and even disease.

How can we dissolve these blocks holistically?

Energy Healing comes from the universal life force that creates that spark that brings all living things to life. An energy healer has learned to become an opening between universal life force, and the meridian channels and energetic pathways of the individual. This process activates the body’s natural healing abilities so that blocks can dissolve, and health can be restored.

These sessions are done in person or by distance. Distance does not affect the quality or strength of the session.

Energy Healing Transmissions

What are transmissions?

Energy Healing Transmissions are bundles of energetic code designed to activate your DNA. I intuitively see these bundles form and turn into streams of energy that are uniquely attuned to each individual. I relate this form of energy to a positive bundle or cluster that forms from higher dimensions of universal life force. Just like negative energy can form blocks, positive energy can form these bundles. They serve as condensed energetic form that carry within them information and energy that is very powerful and transformative. The body and mind absorb this code into your memory, which work to create positive shifts in your alignment. These shifts can affect anything from physical and/or emotional pain, to activating self love effortlessly by releasing negative thoughts and behavior. I have seen it all!

What can you expect?

Because of the wide range of energetic frequencies coming in, I cannot promise the direction of the healing, or what intuitive information will come through. What I can promise, is a safe and empowering energetic connection that always delivers what each individual needs to receive most on their healing path.

Why are people drawn to transmissions?

People seeking deeper spiritual connection find they are guided to Healing Transmissions to further support their spiritual journey. The insights and energy that come through in these sessions have proven to be very helpful in supporting the healing process as well as accessing higher dimensions. In most sessions the Akashic Records are being accessed in which further information is provided, although I cannot make promises as to what information will be available.

How did I learn this?

This technique transpired after many years of doing Reiki treatments and teaching Reiki and other energy healing courses. Although I started to feel a higher intensity during my reiki treatments, it took a great deal of time and practice to understand the formation of these energy bundles and how they operate. With help from my spirit guides, I eventually learned how to navigate this new information, and began to instantly see very powerful results.

Energy Healing Transmissions are done in person